Champion Grass Fed Beef
Owens Lowlines
All Natural Grass Fed Beef
No Growth Hormones!!
No Antibiotics!!
No Grains!!
No Animal Bi-products!!
Quality and Efficiency!! USDA GRASS FED VERIFIED!!
Lowline Efficiency
Could American Aberdeens (Lowlines) be the most efficient range cow in America?Efficiency looks like more money in the bank!Do the math....More cows on the same forage means more profit! Click to see how
Why American Aberdeens (Lowlines)
Lowline Angus is the best breed for our area, our market, and is the most efficient converter of grass to high quality beef available.Carcass posses excellent beef characteristics of taste, texture, and tenderness as well as exceptional ribeye area per hundred pounds of body weight. Muscle fibers are smaller, making the beef more tender than other breeds.They are naturally polled and are docile in nature.
Quality and Efficiency never go out of style